
Are Spca at fault

Too many kids want a cute toy to play around with, but as we know it they grow up and get bigger make mess and cost a lot of money to keep so the blame for having too many animals around is the parent’s fault. And we do it just to keep the peace knowing it will come back and bite us later when the kids are done having fun. Taking a cat or dog from a friend is not a great start because you are ending up with a real problem here. We all know how cute a little kitten is and it’s hard to say no but better to say no now, than later when the problem begins. House training is the first thing on the list because you just become the kitten parents.

Small Animals are starving and what goes in must come out, and they are not going to wait for you if you haven’t a range a place for them to do the business, they will find a corner and do it there, and it stinks because you will not find it the same day or maybe weeks later. Finding the right food can be tricky but it will work it’s self out.

With all this food taking onbourd and the month gone it’s time to get the kitten vaccinated and nuted, if you had got the kitten from Spca it would have been done before you got the cat, but because you got the kitten from a mate it was never done now it’s your problem. Flea treatment is another thing you have to have it done every there months. Don’t blame Spca for what you did wrong, and it’s not the animal fault either.


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