
Are Spca at fault

Too many kids want a cute toy to play around with, but as we know it they grow up and get bigger make mess and cost a lot of money to keep so the blame for having too many animals around is the parent’s fault. And we do it just to keep the peace knowing it will come back and bite us later when the kids are done having fun. Taking a cat or dog from a friend is not a great start because you are ending up with a real problem here. We all know how cute a little kitten is and it’s hard to say no but better to say no now, than later when the problem begins. House training is the first thing on the list because you just become the kitten parents.

Small Animals are starving and what goes in must come out, and they are not going to wait for you if you haven’t a range a place for them to do the business, they will find a corner and do it there, and it stinks because you will not find it the same day or maybe weeks later. Finding the right food can be tricky but it will work it’s self out.

With all this food taking onbourd and the month gone it’s time to get the kitten vaccinated and nuted, if you had got the kitten from Spca it would have been done before you got the cat, but because you got the kitten from a mate it was never done now it’s your problem. Flea treatment is another thing you have to have it done every there months. Don’t blame Spca for what you did wrong, and it’s not the animal fault either.


Are Working from home better

The Covet-19 started something new working from home. I am sure its not all that great whit all that interruptions going on in a home . kids running around the washing machine making loads of noise and the dog are going for a leak in the corner of the Kitchen. I am sure the consecration is only half in your favour and that can not be any good for whatever you are working on. But there’s a few good things about been home you don’t need to be dressed for work and on top of that no traffic James or travelling long distance so maybe it’s all good.


Tattoo Addiction

Can people really become addicted to tattoos? That depends on how you define ‘addiction’. In a strict medical sense, what we commonly call a ‘tattoo addiction’ may actually be more of a passion. If, however, we broaden our view of what constitutes an addiction, then there are several factors that could contribute to a tattooing addiction.
Most tattoo enthusiasts view tattooing as a way to express themselves. Some individuals, however, have difficulty with writing and speaking, and so expressing their identity through a visual medium becomes an important part of their vocabulary. For them, tattoos may be the only way that they feel comfortable showing the world who they really are.
This form of body modification is often recognized as an art form with the tattoo recipient as the artist, even if a professional drew the actual tattoo. Sculptors, painters and other artists have been known to show signs of addiction to their art forms, so it isn’t surprising that tattoo artists may also do so.
All of these factors can certainly mimic an addiction, but we must consider the ramifications of a true addiction. The individual feels compelled to engage in the behavior, neglects regular, necessary aspects of daily life like work, family or even health. In these regards, passion for tattooing diverges from more conventional addictions.


Why do we gamble

Walking into a Casino in Las Vegas is like a fairytale.

The thing you noticed there is no clock to be seen anywhere, to remind you about time, time does not exist in this place.

The lighting is dim but okay to see what you are looking at. The sound of the place is amazing light and bells that go off when somebody win.I walk around and  try to find a table whit an empty chair what is fairly hard to do, this place is humming like a bi-hive. I get a chair where the game is about to start, the dealer ask someone to (cut) the deck and we are away. The game here is to get twenty-one. I win the game, can I do this again I ask myself. I am sure you know the end of the story.

Gambling is not new by a long shot. The old Greek had their hands in the game, dice have been found and dated back to 40.000 years. The Chinese have always been gamblers what go back to 2300 B.C.

The Roman was Famously for gambling as well. Back in the Wild West Riverboats had gambling  on board.


Sugar Addiction

Can you really get hooked on sugar

Some people use sugar foods in a way that are not healthy even it may not be an actual obsession, but close to it.

Sugar fuels ewery cell in your brain, your brain also sees sugar as a reward which makes you keep eating it.

Food today are all full of sugar, and we are now sugar addict.

Labeling on food is bad, hard to read and understand.

This is from a label of Golden Syrup.

Percentage daily intakes are based on an average Adult of diet 8.700 KJ.

The average intake for women is 1,900 and for men 2.550

How does that stack up for you




Raw cows milk

Raw cows milk is a great source of calcium.

Raw milk is straight from cows to you, no chemical added or boiling water(poor) milk, you have to look after it no preservative, 2 to 3 days max in the fridge after that bin it.It only takes some people to ruin it. Doctors  Nutritionist white little understanding about raw milk can only see it is fat, and that is no good for you.

We need fat the right on in our system to survive. Another great source of fat is Bacon and egg for breakfast, that will make a great start on your day, then you can snack on fruit and whole grain later in the day.

Fact ;  Olive oil may bee less bad than #Satuated fats and trans Fats at least in Term of its impact on #Blood Lipids, That hardly makes it a ” good” or healthy addition to your Diet.


Binge Disorder

Binge eating disorder affect about 1.6% of women and 0.8% of men in a given year.

Doing they entire life up to 2% of women have binge disorder typical they begin in late childhood.

When we get older and more sedated in our life, we should eat even less again. Remember sitting around doing nothing does nothing for you.

If you are sitting more than an hour get up and stretch and walk around for some time that will help you keep your joint active.

We only need 1.500 calories a day to live a normal healthy life

Food Addiction, Uncategorized

Food addiction

That how our body is made. some people live a great life other not so much. It all start out white genes we have from our parent.

Some die at childbirth for some reason, poor health of the mother or other complication, that is how we start our life in different situations, but later we take control of our own destiny, that for some people will give them a better life, for others maybe not so great.

Sadly for some people they can not get it right, how hard they try. They start eating the wrong food and lots of it, and then they feel guilty and sad and eat some more for comfort.Our body need fuel to bee able to look after us, but too much of the wrong food make us fat what is hard to shake off.

One of the reasons we eat the wrong food could bee emotional scars from childhood, we feel less about our body than normal. another reason could bee domestic violence that takes place in your life.

If we do not heal our self from inside nothing will stop the Addiction.

